Heritage21 Is Going to Harbor!


In our quest to serve churches as they seek God’s guidance for Renewing, Repurposing or Replanting, the Heritage21 team will be on the campus of Pepperdine University for their 81st annual Bible Lectures, Running with perseverance, on April 30-May 3, 2024. 

H21 will host a Dinner Fellowship on Wednesday, May 1 from 5:00-6:30 pm in the Hahn Fireside Room. You can go through the Waves buffet line and bring your meal to the room to hear about what God is doing around the country and to network with members of the H21 team. 

Following Wednesday evening’s Keynote presentation, H21 Executive Director, Doug Peters, will be teaching an evening class titled, Heritage21: Renew! Repurpose! Replant! Join Doug from 8:30-9:30 pm in BPC 190.

If your church is struggling with declining attendance and diminishing ministry, we are ready to listen and encourage you on the path forward. Renewing churches can recommit to God’s mission in their context. Our Lord is the God of resurrection and renewal! 

  • What would it look like for your congregation to experience renewal? 
  • What capacities are needed? 
  • How can your church faithfully live into God’s mission?

While God’s kingdom is eternal, individual congregations have always come and gone. They, like the people that comprise them, experience life cycles. When the time comes, H21 can sensitively coach your congregation through a Repurposing that ensures they will faithfully provide for kingdom expansion and meaningful ministry into the future. 

  • If your church is reaching the end of its life cycle, how can you faithfully steward the resources which have been generously given by godly people through the years? 
  • What legal and commercial real estate resources will your church need during this phase?

The kingdom of God has been, it is, and it will be! While we can’t change the past, we can faithfully pray the prayer Jesus taught us: May your kingdom come and your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven! (Matthew 6:10) And lately, more churches have been going than coming. H21 is about Replanting in God’s vineyard! 

  • So, how can an aging church have eyes of faith to envision and discern what God might do next? 
  • And how can they equip the next generation to actually take those steps of faith? 

No matter where your congregation finds itself, reality is your friend! Do you have clarity on your current congregational reality? And how can you respond in faith… biblical faith… faith that is confident in hope and assured of what cannot be seen (Hebrews 11:1)… the kind of faith that pleases God (Hebrews 11:6)?

We hope you will join Heritage21 at Harbor to explore these questions and others as we gratefully appreciate our heritage and faithfully anticipate God’s guidance into the rest of the 21st century!

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Heritage21 Is Going to Harbor!

In our quest to serve churches as they seek God’s guidance for Renewing, Repurposing or Replanting, the Heritage21 team will be on the campus of Pepperdine University for their 81st annual Bible Lectures, Running with perseverance, on April 30-May 3, 2024.  H21 will host a Dinner Fellowship on Wednesday, May

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