Resources For Your Church's Health


Stories Of Victory

Story of Re-Vision

Baldwin Church of Christ re-visions itself as the Cornerstone Church of Christ in Fayetteville, AR.


Story of Redevelop

Hermitage Church of Christ redevelops as New Garden Church in Nashville, TN.

Story of Renewal

San Leandro Church of Christ working through a story of renewal.


Story of Repurpose

Mountain Avenue Church of Christ chose to close the church and repurpose their resources to start new churches across the country.

Our Mission

To encourage and facilitate biblical stewardship by supporting Churches of Christ in rejuvenating and resourcing a future, empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Honoring saints with Heritage 21 Foundation.

Honoring Your Saints

You want to honor your church’s history. Your church has been home to multiple generations of faithful people. These people were family. You celebrated together, laughed together, and built your church together. We’ll help you make decisions that honor your church and its members.

At Heritage 21, we take time to listen to you and your church.

Protecting God's Church

You want to protect your church’s property—properly. Church leaders are stewards. It’s imperative that you manage well your resources of buildings and land, protecting them from misuse, now and in the future, to honor those who sacrificed to make those resources available. Heritage21 provides resources to help you legally protect your property.

At Heritage 21, we take time to listen to you and your church.

Leaving a Legacy

When would it ever be appropriate to close your church? The times do come when churches conclude their best, God-honoring decision is to close. As sad as these events are, with thoughtful estate planning a church can still bless new churches and good works. Heritage21 will help you plan and manage your church’s estate so your church can continue to bless other churches as they share the good news of Jesus with the next generation of people.

Others We Have Helped

Fayetteville, AR

In 2018 the Baldwin Church of Christ (now the Cornerstone Church of Christ) was a typical church. But they didn’t want to be typical. They wanted to be more. Here’s what their preacher, Keith Caselman, has to say:

“Leadership at Cornerstone, a century plus old church with less than 100 members, understood the overwhelming evidence and trends of failing churches fitting our demographic. We refused to accept that we would become another statistic in the arena of a dying church. 

“With the help and Stan Granberg and his wife Gena we formulated a plan to attend a Kairos Church Planting (a Heritage21 partner) three-day training with our ministers and eldership. The three-day training challenged us to reimagine what ‘church’ looked like. They stretched our ideas and concepts of how to build the body of Christ, not just to grow in numbers, but how to develop a plan of growing deeply committed disciples of Christ. 

“In the training Kairos provided us a framework that allowed our church, as a unique body of Christ, to develop our own plan of rebirth and renewal. The systematic method of this framework brought our leadership to a better understanding of our collective vision of the future for the church. It was a demanding process that was extremely helpful in building unity and continuity of our dream for what we could become in our community. Not only did Kairos provide the framework of our Ministry Development Plan, a step by step process for building a new or re-establishing a church, but during the very intense training sessions they provided proven practices that work in maximizing your efforts in reaching the unique community around you.”

San Leandro, CA

The San Leandro Church of Christ is a church of amazing diversity located in the thriving, dynamic community of San Leandro, CA (right next door to Oakland). Through much of its almost eighty-year history, the San Leandro church has been a trend setter. From their ethnic diversity to their community engagement, the church has demonstrated its commitment to the love of Jesus for their community. In 2018, finding themselves in a long, slow decline, the church was ready for something else. They invited Dr. Stan and Gena Granberg to facilitate an assessment weekend, a Friday evening through Sunday afternoon, event for their entire leadership team…(Read their story)

Nashville, TN

The Hermitage Church of Christ in Nashville, TN found themselves in a bad spot. Their building was too costly to maintain, their community didn’t even know they existed, and God was calling them to more. So, they made a plan: let a member sell their building and move to another space to start again. The problem was . . . (white paper)

Tucson, AZ

The Mountain Ave. Church of Christ in Tucson, AZ was a great church! At one time this church had almost 400 members! They ran an amazing bus ministry, had a dynamic campus ministry for the University of Arizona, and loved lots and lots of people to faith in Jesus. But that was “one time,” and that time was thirty years ago!

Fast forward to 2017 and the Mountain Avenue church had 60 members who were unable to care for their aged building and struggling to decide what they could possibly do. They didn’t need a solution. They needed guidance.

That’s when they contacted Heritage21…

How May We Help You?

The Heritage21 exists to assist and advise congregations struggling with survival to make sound, healthy decisions about their future while protecting their faithfully accumulated resources.


Heritage21 provides advisers to guide you as you seek to be faithful in the 21st century.

Real Estate Management

Your church’s property is a valuable resource that can be used to further your kingdom work.


We provide recommendations and sample documents to provide you legal security and peace of mind.

Heritage21 Partners

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